
Vision Statement

“Indigeneity assumes a spiritual interconnectedness between all creations, their right to exist and the value of their contributions to the larger whole. At the core of Indigenous thinking is that coexistence relies on the ability of all peoples’ and living things’ voices be heard and heard equally.”– LaDonna Harris, Founder and President of Americans for Indian Opportunity

Indigenous Ark Urban Technologies envisions a world in harmony. To this end, IAUT advocates for a transcendence of paradigm driven by re-indigenization. We strive to (1) elevate indigenous voices to center stewardship of land use, water, environment, climate change, transportation, housing, and investment upon indigenous principles; (2) to ensure that indigenous stewardship benefits communities through accountability of programs, processes, and policies and (3) to re-orient and innovate technology based on indigenous-wisdom.

Our strategy is to co-power indigenous leadership to fundamentally transform the paradigm by which decision making occurs.  Co-powerment is equitable decision-making as shared by residents, communities, partners, and other stakeholders so as to work together by leveraging expertise to develop shared solutions and create change.

Current Projects

  • Housing Justice: Equitable Housing and a Right to Connect with Nature for All (under construction)
  • The Right to Community Identity: Culturally Specific Values-Based Housing and Community Planning (under construction)
    • Urban Indian Experiences
    • The Japanese-American Experience
  • Redressing the Urban Indian Crisis and the Environmental Harms of Conventional Urbanism with Indigenous Planning Principles (under construction)