Urban Ark Technologies


Indigenous Urban Planning

California Launches Grant Program to Support California Native American Tribes on Ancestral Land Return, Nature-Based Solutions that Help Combat Climate Change

Published Date: 31 Jul 2023 First-of-Its-Kind Program Will Deliver Over $100 Million for Tribal Priorities Grants Build on State’s Commitment to Strengthen Partnerships with California Native American Tribes Source: https://resources.ca.gov/Newsroom/Page-Content/News-List/California-Launches-Grant-Program-to-Support-California-Native-American-Tribes SACRAMENTO…Continue readingCalifornia Launches Grant Program to Support California Native American Tribes on Ancestral Land Return, Nature-Based Solutions that Help Combat Climate Change

One Health, One Heart

California Native Americans Won Healthcare Settlement. Federal Government Hasn’t Delivered

Source: https://healthpolicy.usc.edu/article/california-native-americans-won-healthcare-settlement-federal-government-hasnt-delivered/ BY YESENIA AMARO UPDATED MAY 03, 2021 8:44 AM The court rulings brought hope. Finally, California’s Native American population — the nation’s largest — would receive its rightful share…Continue readingCalifornia Native Americans Won Healthcare Settlement. Federal Government Hasn’t Delivered

Urban Indian Crisis

Intergenerational Ingenuity: Indigenous Urban Planning & Design

By Stephanie Firestone and Miranda WilsonSource: https://www.aarpinternational.org/file%20library/build%20equity/aarp-indigenousurbanplanning-casestudy-230808-final.pdf Needs/Challenges At the heart of Indigenous culture are core values that include a reverence for elders and the perspective of multiple generations informing…Continue readingIntergenerational Ingenuity: Indigenous Urban Planning & Design