Urban Ark Technologies


Sanidad Comunitaria

Centenas de animais ficam feridos e desabrigados depois da passagem do furacão Beryl

14 de julho de 2024 Redação ANDA Fonte: https://anda.jor.br/centenas-de-animais-ficam-feridos-e-desabrigados-depois-da-passagem-do-furacao-beryl Após a devastação causada pelo furacão Beryl, as comunidades do Texas se uniram para apoiar os esforços de reconstrução e cuidar…Continue readingCentenas de animais ficam feridos e desabrigados depois da passagem do furacão Beryl

One Health, One Heart

More than 1,000 animals rescued in wake of Hurricane Beryl

Other Texas animal shelters are assisting in the rescues.  By Ariana Garcia,Trending News ReporterJuly 11, 2024 Source: https://www.chron.com/life/wildlife/article/beryl-houston-spca-animals-19567133.php Hundreds of displaced animals left orphaned and injured after Hurricane Beryl tore through Houston on Monday have been rescued.…Continue readingMore than 1,000 animals rescued in wake of Hurricane Beryl

One Health, One Heart

CLIMATE GLIMPSE: Heat and a hurricane descend on the U.S., other wild weather around the world

Source: https://apnews.com/article/climate-glimpse-beryl-heat-wave-extreme-weather-9a3f7de48114814869fd3405469265e3 BY  THE ASSOCIATED PRESSUpdated 5:46 AM PDT, July 8, 2024 As Hurricane Beryl batters Texas and extreme heat blankets much of the U.S. South and West, the world is set for…Continue readingCLIMATE GLIMPSE: Heat and a hurricane descend on the U.S., other wild weather around the world

One Health, One Heart

‘The last 12 months have broken records like never before’: Earth exceeds 1.5 C warming every month for entire year

By Ben Turner published 20 hours ago Source: https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/climate-change/the-last-12-months-have-broken-records-like-never-before-earth-exceeds-15-c-warming-every-month-for-entire-year?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZrpa0HR0alk9tdfAXBm4mHEkSGwqb4exzbrUmnOm9DOXfYJpdk_VP6sIw_aem_k7p9jlqaRC2A6YHrTVw3Ig Every month has broken the temperature record of the previous for the past 12 months, and the signs of climate breakdown are already here,…Continue reading‘The last 12 months have broken records like never before’: Earth exceeds 1.5 C warming every month for entire year


O que é marco temporal e quais são os argumentos favoráveis e contrários

Fonte: Agência Câmara de Notícias https://www.camara.leg.br/noticias/966618-o-que-e-marco-temporal-e-quais-os-argumentos-favoraveis-e-contrarios Julgamento do STF sobre demarcação de terras indígenas foi suspenso em 2021 e será retomado em 7 de junho 29/05/2023 – 12:54   Definição…Continue readingO que é marco temporal e quais são os argumentos favoráveis e contrários

Ark Tech

Floating bamboo houses keep this indigenous tribe safe in a typhoon

3 June 2024, By Jeremy Riggall Source: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240531-the-floating-houses-built-to-withstand-typhoons-and-flooding-in-the-philippines The Manobo indigenous community in the Agusan Marshlands of the Philippines live in floating homes able to withstand floods, rising water levels and…Continue readingFloating bamboo houses keep this indigenous tribe safe in a typhoon

One Heart

The re-indigenization of humanity to Mother Earth: A learning platform to cultivate social-ecological resilience and challenge the Anthropocene

By Iain MacKinnon, Lewis Williams and Arianna Waller JANUARY 13TH, 2018 Source: https://www.susted.com/wordpress/content/the-re-indigenization-of-humanity-to-mother-earth-a-learning-platform-to-cultivate-social-ecological-resilience-and-challenge-the-anthropocene_2018_01/ LINK: December 2017 General Issue: Curriculum and Change Table of Contents MacKinnon, Lewis, Waller, JSE 2017 General…Continue readingThe re-indigenization of humanity to Mother Earth: A learning platform to cultivate social-ecological resilience and challenge the Anthropocene

Communal Healing

US court rejects a request by tribes to block $10B energy transmission project in Arizona

Source: https://apnews.com/article/wind-energy-renewables-sacred-sites-native-americans-f47ca3a44c2e21f453ebc210b849a00c#:~:text=ALBUQUERQUE%2C%20N.M.%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94,customers%20as%20far%20away%20as BY  SUSAN MONTOYA BRYANUpdated 6:31 PM PDT, April 16, 2024Share ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday rejected a request by Native American tribes and environmentalists to…Continue readingUS court rejects a request by tribes to block $10B energy transmission project in Arizona