Urban Ark Technologies



LA officials announce ‘Indigenous LAnd Initiative’ to address past wrongdoings

BY CITY NEWS SERVICE LOS ANGELES PUBLISHED 1:00 PM PT OCT. 11, 2021 Source: https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/human-interest/2021/10/11/los-angeles-to-drop-father-junipero-serra-name-from-park#:~:text=The%20initiative%20will%20rename%20landmarks,spaces%20to%20practice%20traditional%20ceremonies. LOS ANGELES (CNS) — As part of Los Angeles’ work to reckon with mistakes and wrongdoings in the…Continue readingLA officials announce ‘Indigenous LAnd Initiative’ to address past wrongdoings

Housing Justice

How a Landless Native American Tribe in California Is Housing Its Homeless Members

Molly Solomon Jun 11, 2021 Source: https://www.kqed.org/news/11877585/how-a-landless-native-american-tribe-in-california-is-housing-its-members Cheyanne Wright felt stuck. The 23-year-old was renting a room from her boyfriend’s mother in Stockton. Her relationship with the woman had soured…Continue readingHow a Landless Native American Tribe in California Is Housing Its Homeless Members

The Unheard

Nicaragua: CIDH pide al Estado salvaguardar la vida y la integridad de personas indígenas del Territorio Mayangna

Fuente Original: https://cejil.org/comunicado-de-prensa/nicaragua-cidh-pide-al-estado-salvaguardar-la-vida-y-la-integridad-de-personas-indigenas-del-territorio-mayangna/ 21 de febrero de 2022.- El pasado 13 de febrero, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) otorgó medidas cautelares de protección a favor de las personas indígenas de…Continue readingNicaragua: CIDH pide al Estado salvaguardar la vida y la integridad de personas indígenas del Territorio Mayangna

The Unseen

UN denounces new attacks on Indigenous people in Nicaragua’s largest reserve

by Maxwell Radwin on 21 March 2023 Original Source: https://news.mongabay.com/2023/03/un-denounces-new-attacks-on-indigenous-people-in-nicaraguas-largest-reserve/ A wave of violence against Indigenous people in Nicaragua this month has drawn international outcry over the government’s lack of action against…Continue readingUN denounces new attacks on Indigenous people in Nicaragua’s largest reserve

One Heart

California Native American Day Returns to West Steps of the Capitol Building in Sacramento

Source Link: https://californianativeamericanday.com/2023-event-programming/ Source Link: https://nahc.ca.gov/2023/06/56th-annual-california-native-american-day-requesting-retail-vendors-and-exhibitors/ The 56th annual California Native American Day is coming back to the State Capitol on Friday, September 22nd, 2023. This event is hosted by…Continue readingCalifornia Native American Day Returns to West Steps of the Capitol Building in Sacramento