Urban Ark Technologies


One Health, One Heart

Each City Tree Mitigates Potential Heat Exposure for One Citizen by One Day

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719361893 Linking green infrastructure to urban heat and human health risk mitigation in Oslo, Norway Author links open overlay panelZander S. Venter a , Norun Hjertager Krog b , David N. Barton aaTerrestrial Ecology Section, Norwegian Institute…Continue readingEach City Tree Mitigates Potential Heat Exposure for One Citizen by One Day

Communal Healing

The Collateral Damage from Urban Planning

Source: https://iexaminer.org/the-collateral-damage-from-urban-planning/ This piece first published by the Northwest Asian Weekly in print and online on Aug. 4, 2022. It is republished here without permission. Original Source: https://nwasianweekly.com/2022/08/commentary-the-collateral-damage-from-urban-planning/ AUGUST 4, 2022 BY NORTHWEST ASIAN…Continue readingThe Collateral Damage from Urban Planning

Indigenous Innovation

How a BC Indigenous Community Is Creating a Micro-economy Through Wellness: It all starts with the land

Source: https://nuvomagazine.com/culture/nawalakw Writer Allie Turner In 2005 Sherry Moon blockaded a road with her brothers, great aunt, and one of their chiefs to prevent a logging company from deforesting sacred area…Continue readingHow a BC Indigenous Community Is Creating a Micro-economy Through Wellness: It all starts with the land

The Unseen

Invisibility as an Asterisk Nation: One Tribe’s Challenge to Find Data About its Population

Andy Krackov & Sarah MarikosFebruary 18, 2021 Source: https://nightingaledvs.com/asterisk-nation-one-tribes-challenge-to-find-data-about-its-population/ The Yurok Tribe in far northern California needs to address a condition plaguing numerous rural communities in the United States: addiction and substance…Continue readingInvisibility as an Asterisk Nation: One Tribe’s Challenge to Find Data About its Population

One Heart

Mystery of why more than 2,000 gray whales have died along US coast since the 1980s may have been SOLVED – and the reason is haunting

By MATTHEW PHELAN SENIOR SCIENCE REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 12:26 EDT, 18 October 2023 | UPDATED: 16:37 EDT, 18 October 2023 (Image Credits in Caption & Description. Those below are from original article, sourced from…Continue readingMystery of why more than 2,000 gray whales have died along US coast since the 1980s may have been SOLVED – and the reason is haunting