Urban Ark Technologies


Housing Justice

Mechanisms Perpetuating Racial Inequality in Subsidized Housing Programs

Source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/23780231231192389 Authors: Junia Howell, Ellen Whitehead, Elizabeth Korver-Glenn; Notes: Junia Howell, University of Illinois Chicago, Department of Sociology, 1007 W. Harrison Street, Chicago, IL 60607-7101, USA Email: jhowel4@uic.edu Abstract Initially, U.S. federally funded…Continue readingMechanisms Perpetuating Racial Inequality in Subsidized Housing Programs

Urban Indian Crisis

Identifying, Supporting, and Serving American Indians and Alaska Natives WhoAre at Risk of or Experiencing Homelessness

Source: https://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/bos/supdocs/141088.pdf MOTION BY SUPERVISORS JANICE HAHN AND HILDA L. SOLIS, October 15, 2019 To this point, community members described multiple scenarios in which AIAN could ultimately have their own…Continue readingIdentifying, Supporting, and Serving American Indians and Alaska Natives WhoAre at Risk of or Experiencing Homelessness

Indigenous Stewardship

We belong to the land: review of two northern rewilding sites as a vehicle for equity in conservation

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-022-01424-w Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 9, Article number: 402 (2022) Cite this article Abstract The current planetary shifts and the redistribution of species require us to rethink nature conservation, both from the viewpoint…Continue readingWe belong to the land: review of two northern rewilding sites as a vehicle for equity in conservation

Communal Healing

Historic Unveiling of Native American Monument at California State Capitol Set for Tuesday

Source: https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/historic-unveiling-of-native-american-monument-at-california-state-capitol-set-for-tuesday BY LEVI RICKERT  NOVEMBER 04, 2023 Native American Heritage Month. Tribal leaders, lawmakers, students, and other dignitaries will be on hand on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 for the unveiling of a…Continue readingHistoric Unveiling of Native American Monument at California State Capitol Set for Tuesday