Urban Ark Technologies


Communal Healing One Health, One Heart

Traditional and Conventional Healthcare Unite at New Healing Center for Tribal Members in Southwest Oregon

Source: https://nativenewsonline.net/health/new-health-center-will-consolidate-care-offer-traditional-healing-for-tribal-members-in-southwest-oregon BY KAILI BERG  FEBRUARY 07, 2024 The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw (CTCLUSI) is opening a new healthcare center offering traditional and modern care for Tribal members in…Continue readingTraditional and Conventional Healthcare Unite at New Healing Center for Tribal Members in Southwest Oregon

Communal Healing Housing Justice

Supportive Housing Sustains Native American Culture and Addresses Homelessness in Seattle, Washington

Source: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/pdredge/pdr-edge-inpractice-041922.html In Seattle, Native Americans account for only 1 percent of the population but 15 percent of the total population of those experiencing homelessness and 32 percent of the…Continue readingSupportive Housing Sustains Native American Culture and Addresses Homelessness in Seattle, Washington

Urban Indian Crisis

Native Peoples of Los Angeles: We are Still Here — a report on Past, Present, and Ongoing Harms Against Local Tribes

Source: https://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/lac/1137966_AREPORTONHARMSCountyofLosAngeles.pdf BACKGROUND In July 2021, Supervisors Hilda Solis and Janice Hahn brought forth a motion intended to acknowledge and apologize for the historical mistreatment of California Native Americans by…Continue readingNative Peoples of Los Angeles: We are Still Here — a report on Past, Present, and Ongoing Harms Against Local Tribes

Urban Indian Crisis

Native American Health Center Closer to Bringing New Health Center and Affordable Housing to Oakland

Source: https://vitals.sutterhealth.org/native-american-health-center-closer-to-bringing-new-health-center-and-affordable-housing-to-oakland/ Oct 16, 2023 Monique Binkley Smith NAHC Receives Significant Investment from Sutter Health to Support New Space Planned for Dental Care, Social Services, Cultural Events and 76 Affordable…Continue readingNative American Health Center Closer to Bringing New Health Center and Affordable Housing to Oakland

Communal Healing

California Indian Tribes Denied Resources for Decades as Federal Acknowledgement Lags

Source: https://www.sfpublicpress.org/california-indian-tribes-denied-resources-for-decades-as-federal-acknowledgement-lags/ 08.11.2022  | by  YESICA PRADO |  This article is adapted from an episode of our podcast “Civic.” Click the audio player below to hear the full story.  In 1978, the U.S.…Continue readingCalifornia Indian Tribes Denied Resources for Decades as Federal Acknowledgement Lags

Communal Healing The Unheard

Tribal citizens brace for trauma, hope for healing with federal report on boarding schools

Five Michigan schools for Native Americans identified in historic Interior Dept. findings BY: LAINA G. STEBBINS – MAY 26, 2022 3:48 AM Source: https://michiganadvance.com/2022/05/26/tribal-citizens-brace-for-trauma-hope-for-healing-with-federal-report-on-boarding-schools/     Mt. Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School opening day, June…Continue readingTribal citizens brace for trauma, hope for healing with federal report on boarding schools

Ark Tech

Using “ancient wisdoms and techniques” can lead to carbon-neutral buildings says Yasmeen Lari

Source: https://www.dezeen.com/2021/07/01/carbon-neutral-architecture-yasmeen-lari-interview/ Jennifer Hahn | 1 July 2021  Leave a comment A return to traditional materials and construction techniques could help eliminate carbon emissions, says Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari, who has built more than 45,000 homes…Continue readingUsing “ancient wisdoms and techniques” can lead to carbon-neutral buildings says Yasmeen Lari

Ark Tech

California becomes the first state in the U.S. to tackle embodied carbon in its building codes

By Daniel Roche • August 8, 2023 Source: https://www.archpaper.com/2023/08/california-becomes-first-state-us-tackle-embodied-carbon-energy-codes The California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) and the Division of the State Architect (DSA) updated California’s building codes last week, putting into effect measures…Continue readingCalifornia becomes the first state in the U.S. to tackle embodied carbon in its building codes