Urban Ark Technologies


Indigenous Wisdom

Native American language educators convene in Hilo

March 7, 2023 Source: https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2023/03/07/native-american-language-educators-convene/ More than 50 representatives from the National Coalition of Native American Language Schools and Programs (NCNALSP) convened at Ka Haka ʻUla o Keʻelikōlani, the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s Hawaiian language…Continue readingNative American language educators convene in Hilo

One Health, One Heart

Accessing health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives in Los Angeles County

Source: https://lanaic.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Healthy-LA-Native-Infographic.pdf Accessing health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives is complicated. Between June and October of 2016, 501 American Indians and Alaska Natives who live in Los Angeles…Continue readingAccessing health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives in Los Angeles County

Communal Healing

Los Angeles County is home to the largest urban American Indian population — Urban American Indians Rewrite Relocation’s Legacy

Source: https://www.npr.org/2012/01/07/143800287/urban-american-indians-rewrite-relocations-legacy JANUARY 7, 20129:06 AM ET By Gloria Hillard On the edge of downtown Los Angeles, Rae Marie Martinez looks for familiar landmarks. The 60-something grandmother turns in a slow…Continue readingLos Angeles County is home to the largest urban American Indian population — Urban American Indians Rewrite Relocation’s Legacy