Category: One Health, One Heart

Communal Healing One Health, One Heart

Traditional and Conventional Healthcare Unite at New Healing Center for Tribal Members in Southwest Oregon

Source: BY KAILI BERG  FEBRUARY 07, 2024 The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw (CTCLUSI) is opening a new healthcare center offering traditional and modern care for Tribal members in…Continue readingTraditional and Conventional Healthcare Unite at New Healing Center for Tribal Members in Southwest Oregon

One Health, One Heart

Each City Tree Mitigates Potential Heat Exposure for One Citizen by One Day

Source: Linking green infrastructure to urban heat and human health risk mitigation in Oslo, Norway Author links open overlay panelZander S. Venter a , Norun Hjertager Krog b , David N. Barton aaTerrestrial Ecology Section, Norwegian Institute…Continue readingEach City Tree Mitigates Potential Heat Exposure for One Citizen by One Day

Indigenous Urban Planning One Health, One Heart

Coping with Stress in Deprived Urban Neighborhoods: What Is the Role of Green Space According to Life Stage?

Source: Jenny J. Roe1* Peter A. Aspinall2 Catharine Ward Thompson2 This study follows previous research showing how green space quantity and contact with nature (via access to gardens/allotments) helps mitigate stress…Continue readingCoping with Stress in Deprived Urban Neighborhoods: What Is the Role of Green Space According to Life Stage?

One Health, One Heart

One Health: Planetary & Human Health As One

One Health: The Well-being Impacts of Human-nature Relationships (from Frontiers in Psychology) Source Link: Republishing Link: Indigenous Ark Urban Technologies will be republishing a series of articles from…Continue readingOne Health: Planetary & Human Health As One