Category: Indigenous Stewardship

Indigenous Stewardship

We belong to the land: review of two northern rewilding sites as a vehicle for equity in conservation

Source: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 9, Article number: 402 (2022) Cite this article Abstract The current planetary shifts and the redistribution of species require us to rethink nature conservation, both from the viewpoint…Continue readingWe belong to the land: review of two northern rewilding sites as a vehicle for equity in conservation

Indigenous Stewardship

Not All Green Space Is Created Equal: Biodiversity Predicts Psychological Restorative Benefits From Urban Green Space

Republished from: By: Emma Wood1 Alice Harsant1 Martin Dallimer2 Anna Cronin de Chavez3 Rosemary R. C. McEachan3 Christopher Hassall1* 1School of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom 2Sustainability Research…Continue readingNot All Green Space Is Created Equal: Biodiversity Predicts Psychological Restorative Benefits From Urban Green Space

Indigenous Stewardship

Samish Indian Nation Confronts Effects of Climate Change with Bull Kelp

BY BEN PRYOR  AUGUST 28, 2023 Source: Tribal nations in the Pacific Northwest have experienced scorching heat waves this summer, breaking the norms of their historically temperate environment. Spring saw the…Continue readingSamish Indian Nation Confronts Effects of Climate Change with Bull Kelp

Indigenous Stewardship

Three California Tribal Nations Declare First U.S. Indigenous Marine Stewardship Area

Source: BY NATIVE NEWS ONLINE STAFF  SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 “We do not seek the permission of other governments and can no longer wait to act to preserve and protect this culturally…Continue readingThree California Tribal Nations Declare First U.S. Indigenous Marine Stewardship Area

Indigenous Land Planning Indigenous Stewardship

Movement to return land taken from Black and Indigenous people in the U.S. gains momentum

Jun 9, 2023 6:35 PM EDT By Stephanie Sy and Lena I. Jackson Republished from: Listen to this Segment Play Watch the Full Episode: PBS NewsHour from Jun 09,…Continue readingMovement to return land taken from Black and Indigenous people in the U.S. gains momentum