Maya Corridor Tree Planting in Council District 1 for Earth Day

May 4, 2023 #mayacommunity#councildistrict1

74 views • May 4, 2023 • #mayacommunity #councildistrict1Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez along with Streets LA joined community members to plant trees along the route of the future Maya Corridor. Over a dozen trees were planted and plans for two gateway monuments, along with 5 custom intersection paving’s are yet to be completed. For more information, visit

Los Angeles City Council Motion


MOTION (Dec. 1, 2021)
The Maya Corridor Project in Council District 1 is a streetscape improvement project that
will enhance public safety and celebrate the cultural history ofthe Latino community. The project
will be located along 6th Street from Park View Street to Loma Drive, starting at MacArthur Park
and going through a portion of the Westlake neighborhoods. As part of the enhancements, the
project will install new trees and tree wells, upgrade curb ramps, repair sidewalks, and install new
way-finding signage.
The Maya Corridor Project will also highlight the Mayan culture and aesthetically link the
Corridor through its improvements. The project will include a Maya-inspired gateway at the entry
of the corridor at Park View Street, custom crosswalks, decorative sidewalk paving, and custom
bus safety lights in addition to other street amenities that will unify the Corridor identity.
As a part ofthis project, the City should designate six ofthe intersections along the Corridor
in honor of today’s Mayan descendants. Five of the squares should be dedicated in honor of
historical sites and cities built by the Mayans throughout Central and South America as follows:
Chichen Itza (Mexico), Tikal (Guatemala), Copan (Honduras), Tazumal (El Salvador), and
Caracol (Belize).
The final square should be dedicated in honor of Policarpo Chaj, a Mayan descendent,
Indigenous community leader, and K’iche’ interpreter here in Los Angeles who served many
Guatemalan immigrants newly arrived in the country. Chaj passed away in February 2021 at the
age of 49 and it is appropriate that the City name the intersection of 6th Street and Union Avenue
as part ofthe Maya Corridor Project as “Policarpo Chaj Square,” in recognition of his advocacy
and work on behalf ofGuatemalan and Indigenous communities in the City.
I THEREFORE MOVE that the following intersections be named as follows:
6th Street and Park View Street as “Chichen Itza (Mexico) Square;”
6th Street and Alvarado Street as “Tikal (Guatemala) Square;”
6th Street and Westlake Avenue as “Copan (Honduras) Square;”
6th Street and Bonnie Brae Street as “Tazumal (El Salvador) Square;
6th Street and Burlington Street as “Caracol (Belize) Square;” and
6th Street and Union Avenue as “Policarpo Chaj Square.”

Councilmember, 1st District

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