Month: October 2023

The Unseen

Invisibility as an Asterisk Nation: One Tribe’s Challenge to Find Data About its Population

Andy Krackov & Sarah MarikosFebruary 18, 2021 Source: The Yurok Tribe in far northern California needs to address a condition plaguing numerous rural communities in the United States: addiction and substance…Continue readingInvisibility as an Asterisk Nation: One Tribe’s Challenge to Find Data About its Population

One Heart

Mystery of why more than 2,000 gray whales have died along US coast since the 1980s may have been SOLVED – and the reason is haunting

By MATTHEW PHELAN SENIOR SCIENCE REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 12:26 EDT, 18 October 2023 | UPDATED: 16:37 EDT, 18 October 2023 (Image Credits in Caption & Description. Those below are from original article, sourced from…Continue readingMystery of why more than 2,000 gray whales have died along US coast since the 1980s may have been SOLVED – and the reason is haunting

Communal Healing One Heart

Descendants of two government-sanctioned atrocities gather in Colorado, bond over “shared identity”

Source: Relatives of Japanese Americans incarcerated in Amache find common threads with descendants of the Sand Creek Massacre — which occurred just 46 miles away — during annual pilgrimageKevin…Continue readingDescendants of two government-sanctioned atrocities gather in Colorado, bond over “shared identity”

One Heart

Nation of Hawai’i and Yurok Tribe Sign Historic Peace and Friendship Treaty

Source: BY DARREN THOMPSON  OCTOBER 17, 2023 The Nation of Hawai’i and the Yurok Tribe announced on Monday a historic ratification of a Peace and Friendship Treaty between the two sovereign…Continue readingNation of Hawai’i and Yurok Tribe Sign Historic Peace and Friendship Treaty

The Unseen

What is Indigenous Peoples Day? A day of celebration, protest and reclaiming history

Source: (AP) – From Alcatraz Island to a park in New York City, Native American people will celebrate their centuries-long history of resilience on Monday with ceremonies, dances and…Continue readingWhat is Indigenous Peoples Day? A day of celebration, protest and reclaiming history

Ark Tech

USDA invests $1 billion for nearly 400 projects to expand access to trees and green spaces in communities and neighborhoods nationwide through Investing in America agenda

Source: USDA Press Release WASHINGTON,September 14, 2023 – Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is awarding more than $1 billion in competitive grants…Continue readingUSDA invests $1 billion for nearly 400 projects to expand access to trees and green spaces in communities and neighborhoods nationwide through Investing in America agenda

Indigenous Stewardship

Not All Green Space Is Created Equal: Biodiversity Predicts Psychological Restorative Benefits From Urban Green Space

Republished from: By: Emma Wood1 Alice Harsant1 Martin Dallimer2 Anna Cronin de Chavez3 Rosemary R. C. McEachan3 Christopher Hassall1* 1School of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom 2Sustainability Research…Continue readingNot All Green Space Is Created Equal: Biodiversity Predicts Psychological Restorative Benefits From Urban Green Space