PUBLISHED ON: November 30, 2022
Los Angeles City Planning (LACP) is pleased to announce the formation of the 2022 Westside Community Plans Advisory Group (WCPAG).
The 52-member Advisory Group is composed of a diverse group of community leaders, residents, community based organizations (CBO), advocacy groups, business leaders, Neighborhood Councils, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), youth, housing development experts, and professionals from various planning-related fields.
The Advisory Group, which is not a decision making body, will assist the LACP Westside Community Plans Update team in evaluating initial draft community plan materials, such as new land use maps, zoning, and draft policies. These efforts will help address a wide variety of topics, including housing, tenant rights, homelessness, climate change, mobility, historic preservation and cultural resources, sustainability, and other critically important issues facing the Westside Communities.
Please see selected members here: ENGLISH SPANISH
Meeting 1 Materials
Draft Emerging Vision Statements & Guiding Principles (English)
Draft Emerging Vision Statements & Guiding Principles (Spanish)
Draft Residential GPLU Maps (English)
Draft Residential GPLU Correspondence Tables (English)
Draft Residential GPLU Correspondence Tables (Spanish)
Draft Zoning Summary (English)
WCPAG Meeting 1: Overview (English)
WCPAG Meeting 1: Overview (Spanish)
WCPAG Meeting 1: Breakout Session #1 (English)
WCPAG Meeting 1: Breakout Session #2 (English)
WCPAG Meeting 2: Summary (Spanish)
WCPAG Meeting 1: Recording
WCPAG Meeting 1: Summary (English)
WCPAG Meeting 1: Summary (Spanish)
Currículo del WCPAG disponible en Español muy pronto
Meeting 2 Materials
Draft Commercial GPLU Correspondence Tables (English)
Draft Commercial GPLU Correspondence Tables (Spanish)
Draft Commercial Zoning Summary (English)
Draft Commercial Zoning Summary (Spanish)
WCPAG Meeting 2: Overview (English)
WCPAG Meeting 2: Overview (Spanish)
WCPAG Meeting 2: Breakout Session #1
WCPAG Meeting 2: Breakout Session #2
WCPAG Meeting 2: Recording
WCPAG Meeting 2: Summary (English)
Meeting 3 Materials
Draft WLA Policy Document (English)
Draft Industrial GPLU Correspondence Tables (English)
Draft Industrial Zoning Strategies (English)
WCPAG Meeting 3: Recording